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您是否知道21%的人每天打开一个应用50次以上? (Do you know that 21% of people open an app 50+ times per day?)

Yes, you heard that right. With the rapid development of technology, the mobile app now made many things possible, which was previously unthinkable.

是的,你听到的是对的。 随着技术的飞速发展,移动应用程序现在使许多事情成为可能,这是以前无法想象的。

And that's why there is an incredible increase in the number of mobile users. According to a recent , the number of mobile users worldwide is projected to increase to

这就是为什么移动用户数量惊人地增加的原因。 根据最近的 ,全球移动用户数量预计将增加到

到2020年底为69.5亿 ( 6.95 billion by the end of 2020)


In the last couple of years, the mobile app development industry has grown manifold, changing how businesses function around the world. If you are planning to jump into mobile app development, then choosing the right programming language will be the most significant challenge.

在过去的几年中,移动应用程序开发行业发展Swift,改变了全球企业的运作方式。 如果您打算跳入移动应用程序开发,那么选择正确的编程语言将是最大的挑战。

There are more than 600 programming languages, and each one has its own perks and popularity. Are you pondering which language would be best for developing a stunning app?

有600多种编程语言,每种编程语言都有自己的优势和知名度。 您是否在考虑哪种语言最适合开发出色的应用程序?

Several factors come to mind when making this choice, but the most important one is the language's demand. Here in this blog, I have listed the best programming language for mobile apps in terms of popularity and demand. Let's start!

做出选择时会想到几个因素,但最重要的是语言的需求。 在此博客中,我就受欢迎程度和需求列出了移动应用程序的最佳编程语言。 开始吧!

移动应用开发的顶级编程语言 (Top Programming Languages For Mobile App Development)

Here is the list of best programming languages for mobile app development:


1. Java (1. Java)

Ranking first on the list of best programming languages for mobile app, Java is the most used app development language. James Gosling developed the Java programming language at Sun Microsystems in 1994, now owned by Oracle.

在移动应用程序最佳编程语言列表中排名第一,Java是最常用的应用程序开发语言。 James Gosling于1994年在Sun Microsystems开发了Java编程语言,现在归Oracle所有。

It has become prevalent today. According to a survey by VersionEye, which tracks open-source software libraries, Java has the most open-source projects by developers.

今天它变得很普遍。 根据跟踪开源软件库的VersionEye的一项调查,Java具有开发人员最多的开源项目。

Java is the most preferred mobile app development language because it runs on all platforms, including all well-known Android. Many mobile app development companies prefer Java because it offers app developers with the flexibility to quickly develop error-free mobile applications.

Java是最受欢迎的移动应用程序开发语言,因为它可以在所有平台(包括所有知名的Android)上运行。 许多移动应用程序开发公司更喜欢Java,因为Java为应用程序开发人员提供了快速开发无错误的移动应用程序的灵活性。

As Java is the most established Android app development language, it also has the support of a large and vibrant user community that will help you overcome any challenge.


In addition to Android apps,


Java被广泛用于开发游戏,嵌入式空间,网站,服务器应用程序等 (Java is extensively used to develop games, embedded space, websites, server apps, and more)

. Besides, Java can be run either in a browser window or virtual machine that does not require a browser.

。 此外,Java可以在浏览器窗口中运行,也可以在不需要浏览器的虚拟机中运行。

That’s why it is a highly flexible programming language in terms of code reuse.


主要特点: (Key features:)

  • It can be used to develop cross-platform apps

  • Language is object-oriented

  • APIs are supported

  • Coding is made easy thanks to robust IDEs


Read more: @60% less cost

阅读更多: 成本降低60%

2.迅捷 (2. Swift)

Swift is the programming language introduced by Apple in 2014 and the language is


专为与iOS和OS X平台配合使用而开发 (specifically developed to work with iOS and OS X platforms)

. If there is a programming language that has the potential to re-shape the future, it is Swift.

。 如果有一种编程语言可以重塑未来,那就是Swift。

Swift is designed to eliminate the possibility of security vulnerabilities. Now, mobile app developers are turning on Swift. Many businesses specialize in developing state-of-the-art mobile apps using this language.

Swift旨在消除安全漏洞的可能性。 现在,移动应用程序开发人员正在启用Swift。 许多企业专门使用这种语言开发最先进的移动应用程序。

As per TNW, Swift is considered the fastest-growing language. Google is also considering making Swift its first-class language rather than Java. Wonder if Google shifts to Swift, the demand for Swift apps will skyrocket, and there will be no other competing language.

根据TNW,Swift被认为是增长最快的语言。 谷歌也在考虑将Swift变成其一流的语言,而不是Java。 不知道Google是否会转向Swift,对Swift应用程序的需求将激增,并且没有其他竞争语言。

One of the most well-known examples of Swift apps is the


SlideShare iOS应用程序,完全内置于Swift中 ( SlideShare iOS app, built entirely in Swift)

. As of now, Swift is only available for iOS development, but since it works on Linux and is open-source, anyone can use it.

。 到目前为止,Swift仅可用于iOS开发,但是由于它可以在Linux上运行并且是开源的,因此任何人都可以使用它。

主要特点: (Key features:)

  • It is an open-source language.

  • This is a simplified version of Objective-C.

  • Easy-to-code.

  • Maintenance is super easy.

  • This is the future of iOS development.

  • It requires less coding as compared to other languages.


3. Javascript (3. Javascript)

Nowadays, JavaScript has become one of the leading mobile app development languages. It is best for cross-platform application development and web browsing. React Native is a JavaScript-based framework used extensively for the development of cross-platform mobile apps.

如今,JavaScript已成为领先的移动应用程序开发语言之一。 最适合跨平台应用程序开发和Web浏览。 React Native是一个基于JavaScript的框架,广泛用于跨平台移动应用程序的开发。

William Ting’s once said, “


只要人们使用互联网,JavaScript就会保持相关性 (JavaScript will stay relevant as long as people use the internet)

.” It runs smoothly outside of the browser in other environments and can be compiled from a wide range of programming languages.

。” 它可以在其他环境中的浏览器外部平稳运行,并且可以使用多种编程语言进行编译。

As per the , JavaScript has been the most popular programming language subsequently for six years among the developers. And about 65% of them have used it in the previous year.

根据 ,JavaScript已连续六年成为开发人员中最受欢迎的编程语言。 去年大约有65%的人使用过它。

The programming language is lightweight and is widely preferred because of its compatible nature with all browsers and its flexibility with the syntax.


4. C ++ (4. C++)

It is the most appropriate and robust programming


用于为Android和Windows构建移动应用程序的语言 ( language for building mobile apps for Android and Windows)

, and, primarily for low-level programming, it is still a preferred language on platforms for mobile app developers.


As a robust programming language, C ++ lets mobile applications be developed practically for every purpose on each platform. It may not be a trendy language, but it used to dominate the programming era even before the arrival of the smartphone revolution.

作为一种强大的编程语言,C ++允许针对每个平台上的每个目的实际开发移动应用程序。 它可能不是一种流行的语言,但它甚至在智能手机革命到来之前就已经统治了编程时代。

There has always been a demand for C ++. It is not just about developing mobile apps, but it is also a powerful language used in everything from finance to manufacturing to banking and many other fields.

一直都有C ++的需求。 它不仅是开发移动应用程序,而且还是一种强大的语言,广泛用于从金融到制造业到银行业等许多领域。

主要特点: (Key Features:)

  • It is simple and efficient

  • It is Object-oriented

  • Massive library

  • Portable

  • Extremely fast


5. Python (5. Python)

Python was created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. It is one of the best programming languages ​​in the market, helping Python developers build powerful web and mobile applications. The language is quite easy to learn and implement, which makes it the preferred choice among developers.

Python由Guido van Rossum创建并于1991年发布。它是市场上最好的编程语言之一,可帮助Python开发人员构建功能强大的Web和移动应用程序。 该语言非常易于学习和实现,这使其成为开发人员的首选。

The best thing about Python is that it is considered


Android和iOS应用程序开发的理想选择。 它在可伸缩性和可读性方面非常出色,使其广泛 (ideal for both Android and iOS app development. It is excellent in terms of scalability and readability, making it a widely )

used language for cross-platform mobile applications.


Python also opens doors to multithreading and multiprocessing that improve an app's performance and command response. In another survey, Python becomes the most preferred programming language in the community of developers.

Python还为提高应用程序性能和命令响应的多线程和多处理打开了大门。 在另一项调查中,Python成为开发人员社区中最喜欢的编程语言。

Python的主要功能: (Salient features of Python:)

  • The presence of third-party modules enables it to interact with most other languages ​​and platforms

  • Extensive support libraries

  • Open source and community development

  • Fast run-time, user-friendly, built-in data structures

  • The data type need not be mentioned; it takes the data type based on the assigned value

    数据类型不必提及; 它根据分配的值获取数据类型
  • Portable and interactive in operating systems


6. C# (6. C#)

C # is another object-oriented language that is used extensively for mobile app development. It's a general-purpose programming language developed by Microsoft that is mainly used for the Windows Mobile platform.

C#是另一种面向对象的语言,广泛用于移动应用程序开发。 这是由Microsoft开发的通用编程语言,主要用于Windows Mobile平台。

Another feature of C # which makes it suitable for mobile apps is cross-platform development. Xamarin is the platform that makes it simpler for C# developers to create apps for Android and iOS. Other than mobile app development,

C#的另一个使它适用于移动应用程序的功能是跨平台开发。 Xamarin是一个平台,使C#开发人员可以更轻松地为Android和iOS创建应用。 除了移动应用开发之外,

C#广泛用于业务和生产力工具,企业,游戏等 (C# is widely used in business and productivity tools, enterprises, games, etc)


After becoming familiar with C#, you can quickly develop mobile apps, desktop apps, games, and web-apps. Thus, considering the C # functionalities, it is going to be one of the top choices for mobile application developers.

熟悉C#之后,您可以快速开发移动应用程序,桌面应用程序,游戏和Web应用程序。 因此,考虑到C#功能,它将成为移动应用程序开发人员的首选之一。

主要特点: (Key Features:)

  • Easy-to-use and a simple language

  • Used extensively in the development of large tools

  • It is a type-safe language

  • It is scalable

  • Access to .NET framework


7.Kotlin (7. Kotlin)

Kotlin is a statistically typed, cross-platform programming language that was invented to be an alternative to Java for Android app development. It has also been introduced as a secondary «official» Java language in 2017.

Kotlin是一种统计类型的跨平台编程语言,其发明目的是替代Java进行Android应用程序开发。 它在2017年还作为第二种“官方” Java语言引入。

Kotlin可以与JAVA一起使用,以创建更高效​​和更高性能的应用程序。 (Kotlin can be used with JAVA to create more efficient and higher-performing apps.)

The only significant difference is that Kotlin removes Java's features, such as null pointer exceptions. It also eliminates the need to end every line with a semicolon. Kotlin can also be used as an «entry point» for Android app development.

唯一的显着区别是Kotlin删除了Java的功能,例如空指针异常。 它还消除了用分号结尾每行的需要。 Kotlin也可以用作Android应用程序开发的“入口点”。

Kotlin has very clean syntax and simple code. It is interconnected and versatile that generates compact and cleaner code than JAVA. Thus, it is amongst the most popular languages used for Android application development.

Kotlin具有非常简洁的语法和简单的代码。 它是互连的且通用的,比JAVA生成的代码更紧凑,更简洁。 因此,它是用于Android应用程序开发的最流行的语言之一。

底线 (Bottom Lines)

With the best programming languages for mobile application development ​​listed above, I'm sure you can make a sensible decision about which language you need for your promising business growth in the mobile app industry.


Keeping all these languages ​​in mind, you can hire mobile app developers in India to let your app stand out among the competition. So, what are you waiting for? Choose the best programming language and give your business the most needed mobile application.

牢记所有这些语言,您可以在印度雇用移动应用程序开发人员,以使您的应用程序在竞争中脱颖而出。 那你还在等什么? 选择最佳的编程语言,并为您的企业提供最需要的移动应用程序。




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